This is a place where the candidates for priesthood begin their journey to realize their call as priest in future. In Sabuko formation house, we receive the students who have completed form six (Advanced high education) and passed well with division I or II to begin first year of formation where they are mainly introduced into the society in many ways in regard to the life, work and relationships.
This year is special for orientation the new candidates about the ALCP/OSS in general; to learn and develop their fidelity to the Lord in prayer. In this way, the expectation is to become mature, concern for the common good, obedient, transparent and temperate use of material things in a life of simplicity.
Apostolic Life Community of Priests in the Opus Spiritus Sancti (ALCP/OSS) as a missionary society came to make the first roots in Catholic Diocese of Moshi Tanzania after the founder Rev. Fr. Bernard Bendel being welcomed by then bishop of Moshi late Rt. Rev. Bishop Joseph Kilasara, CSsp. ALCP/OSS society didn’t have its formation house.
In 1977 the work of building formation house started at a place called Sabuko in Sanya Juu-Siha district in Kilimanjaro region. The official beginning was on the 27th February 1980 with eighteen (18) seminarians for the first year of formation.
As the future priests, the candidates engage in different activities;
- Exercising their talents in communal manual works
- Spiritual exercises including recollection, seminars, retreats.
- Meeting in the Spirit weekly aiming to share the word of God.
- Active participation in the Eucharistic celebration.
- Participating in sports and games.
Therefore, after staying one year in formation house, the candidates are being received officially in the society and then they go for philosophical studies.